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Benefits of digital door displays in outpatient care settings

Author Ilari Laaksonen Mar 6, 2024 1:51:29 PM

Digital door displays have become increasingly popular in conference rooms over the past decade. These displays make it easy to see when and for whom a room is booked, and making new room bookings is a breeze. Did you know that similar door displays are also used in healthcare, especially in outpatient settings? In healthcare settings, digital door displays provide a variety of benefits, and I will explore four key benefits in more detail:

Topics: patient flow management Axel Planner Axel Encounter healthcare resource planning digitalization in healthcare door display
1 minutes

Revolutionizing healthcare resource planning: The AI advantage

Author Ilari Laaksonen Jan 30, 2024 2:09:35 PM

In the modern healthcare sector, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is playing a pivotal role in transforming various aspects, from clinical procedures to population health management and diagnostics. One of the key advantages of AI is its capacity to improve administrative efficiency. By automating routine tasks, AI technologies free up healthcare professionals to focus on more critical aspects of patient care.

Topics: Resource management Axel Planner optimization healthcare resource planning healthcare service production artificial intelligence AI
2 minutes

Enhancing emergency operations through accurate reporting

Author Ilari Laaksonen Aug 31, 2023 10:26:45 AM

Automation and digitalization bring remarkable benefits and improvements to emergency services. They're not just elevating patient experiences and optimizing workflows but also saving invaluable time and resources. Can these advancements also contribute to crafting precise reports that push operational efficiency even further?

Topics: patient flow management Axel solution Axel Planner Axel Encounter patient experience treatment path digitalization in healthcare automation emergency unit reporting analytics
2 minutes

The role of automation in emergency departments post-triage

Author Ilari Laaksonen Jun 19, 2023 10:29:45 AM

Automation in hospital emergency departments brings significant benefits to both patients and healthcare professionals. However, these benefits are not limited to triage. Automation also provides significant advantages in the processes that follow this initial evaluation. In this blog post, I continue from my previous write-up on automating the check-in processes in emergency departments, and we delve more into how automation can streamline operations and improve patient experience post-triage.

Topics: Self service Axel solution Axel Planner Mobile check-in Axel Encounter patient experience treatment path self check-in self-service kiosk digitalization in healthcare automation self-service solution emergency unit triage
4 minutes

How automation can help emergency units improve efficiency and patient experience

Author Ilari Laaksonen Apr 24, 2023 3:20:40 PM

Emergency units in hospitals are often busy and chaotic environments where patients require prompt attention for a wide range of medical conditions. One of the most critical parts of the emergency care process is the check-in process, which involves collecting patient information, assessing the severity of their condition, and prioritizing treatment based on urgency. However, the check-in process can be time-consuming, leading to longer wait times for patients and increased workload for hospital staff. In this blog post, we will explore how automating the check-in process can help emergency units improve efficiency and enhance the patient experience.

Topics: Self service Axel solution Axel Planner Mobile check-in Axel Encounter patient experience treatment path self check-in self-service kiosk Axel Mobile Encounter digitalization in healthcare automation self-service solution emergency unit
1 minutes

The ABC of optimization in healthcare service production

Author Ilari Laaksonen Oct 19, 2022 3:01:38 PM

Do you know what computers are good at? Computing. Do you know what optimization is? A mathematical problem. 

Healthcare service production requires careful planning, and the larger the unit sizes become, the larger is the planning effort required. What does it take to produce efficient healthcare services? In simple terms, patients and professionals need to encounter in the same location – and this location also needs to offer the equipment and materials required, no matter if they’re related to diagnostics, care, or medication.

Topics: patient flow management Resource management Axel Planner optimization healthcare resource planning healthcare service production